
September 26, 2005
Book Review. The Millionaire Next Door: The Surprising Secrets of America's Wealthy
by Thomas J. Stanley, PhD and William D. Danko, PhD (unabridged audio book). Synopsis: Most people think millionaires live in mansions, own yachts, and wear $5,000 wristwatches. Not true. People who live this high-consumption lifestyle are usually up to their eyeballs in debt. The average millionaire is self-made, lives in a middle-class neighborhood, drives a Ford pick-up truck, and wears a $25 Timex. Being frugal and putting your money into appreciable assets is how you get to be a millionaire. Rating: Highly recommended.
September 25, 2005
We are still at painting, that is. We are grateful that Orlin came over to help us paint today. It was a morale boost to get so much extra work done! We will probably be done after next weekend (knock on wood). This is Casey helping us duct-tape a torn drop cloth.
September 24, 2005
We drove to the mountains today to see the aspens in their Fall splendor. We took I-70 to Georgetown, then Guanella Pass to Grant, then home on Hwy. 285. We packed a lunch and took the dogs with us. The aspens were spectacular! More pictures here.
September 17, 2005
Congratulations to Al & Esther Trautmann (Nicky's great-aunt and uncle), who celebrated their 50th Anniversary today! It was great to see Al, Esther, and their children, spouses and grandchildren. The party was held in Highlands Ranch, at the GORGEOUS home of Glenn and Rhonda Trautmann. The back yard is to-die-for, much of it occupied by a large rose garden, with a fantastic water fountain in the center, and lattice-surrounded benches and a swing. There was a live polka band there, which added to the ambiance. More pictures here.
September 15, 2005
Book Review. Secrets of the Millionaire Mind: Mastering the Inner Game of Wealth by T. Harv Eker. Synopsis: If you learn to think about and manage your money the way rich people do, you can become one of them. For example, rich people focus on their net worth; poor and middle class people focus on their working income. I have read a lot of books on money and on self-improvement, but this one is the best I have ever read. Rating: MUST READ.
  September 14, 2005
We finished two audio books on the drive to Minnesota.
1) The Land That Time Forgot by Edgar Rice Burroughs. Synopsis: A small group of early 20th century Americans and Germans drift for weeks on a dysfunctional boat, then happen upon a little-known continent that can sustain life. The continent has not undergone the same evolutionary changes that the rest of the world has - dinosaurs and prehistoric hominids still inhabit the land. It's a struggle to survive. Rating: Okay. (Although I'll bet it was pretty exciting for the year it came out, 1915.)
2) Capital Crimes by Stuart Woods. Synopsis: The FBI investigates the murders of a serial killer who is on a mission to kill prominent right-wing conservative figures. The investigation is challenging because the killer is a former CIA agent who not only is an expert at building bombs, shooting, using biological weapons and eluding investigators, but he has also erased his identity and established several aliases for himself. I was kind of rooting for the killer, yet still wanted the FBI to get their man. Interesting ending. Rating: Good.
September 9, 2005
We are back from our Labor Day weekend in Minnesota, where we were guests at my cousin Alissa's wedding. After my own wedding last year, I have a special appreciation for what it takes to orchestrate a wedding. Also, we really appreciate Grandma Edna letting us stay with her. I (Nicky) have put together a list of my favorite memories from the trip:

10. The fantastic desserts at the rehearsal dinner, wedding, and gift-opening. It was a chocoholic's paradise!
9. Keeping in touch with Ryan by cell phone throughout the trip. He wanted so badly to be there, but somebody had to direct the TV news during the Hurricaine Katrina fiasco. (I'm proud of you, Ry!)
8. Listening to the entertaining books on tape and the music of John Denver during the long road trip there and back. They made Nebraska and Iowa go by a little more quickly.
7. Attending the wedding as Mrs. Peter Laird.
6. Seeing my teenaged and young twenty-something cousins, and meeting many of their significant others. It's impressive to see what neat people they are evolving into!
5. Seeing all of my other relatives - grandmas, aunts, uncles, older cousins, their spouses and children, great aunts and uncles, etc. I enjoyed the conversations I had with each.
4. Dancing to the two polkas and one waltz played at the reception.
3. Watching Bea and Orlin and the other really good dancers show us "how it's done" on the dance floor.
2. The beauty of the ceremony itself - the beautiful bride; the crimson and gold colors of the church decorations, flowers, and bridesmaids' dresses; men in tuxes... (The reception hall was decorated very nicely, too.)
1. Being happy for Josh and Alissa as they start their married life.

Click here for more wedding photos.
August 21, 2005
We started painting our house this weekend (the exterior). We got most of the back done this weekend, and we know that it will take us several more weekends to finish the whole house. The dogs enjoyed being outside with us. Casey was a little mischevious playing peek-a-boo with the drop cloths and got some paint in his fur. Honey enjoyed having conversations with all the dogs in the neighborhood while outside.
August 21, 2005
We had Honey stay with us for a whole week. I think the two dogs are getting more comfortable with each other. They enjoy frollicking in the yard together and especially love going for rides together. Casey showed protective instincts one day when I was brushing Honey. Honey was protesting, and Casey put his head on top of the area I had been brushing, as if to say, "Stop it now; she's had enough." (Also note the beautiful quilt in this picture -- made by Bea.)
Friday, August 19, 2005
Pete and I are still bicycling three times a week. Haven't topped our previous record of 11.4 miles, but we went 10.3 miles today.
August 17, 2005
I just finished The Pelican Brief by John Grisham (unabridged audio book). Synopsis: When two supreme court justices are murdered on the same night, brilliant law student Darby Shaw writes a brief proposing that an obscure figure might be behind the murder. On a whim, Shaw's friend submits the brief to his friend at the FBI, and suddenly all of Darby's friends and other possible witnesses start being mysteriously murdered one by one. Time and time again, Darby herself escapes death only by a narrow margin. The White House orders a cover-up; it turns out the suspect named in Darby's brief has ties to the president. Darby seeks out the only person who can help -- a newspaper reporter with the Washington Post. Rating: Good if you have time to kill, such as on an airplane flight, but if you miss this one, your life will go on.
August 14, 2005
We had our 500 card-playing group over for a potluck before our August game. We enjoyed perfect weather and tons of delicious food in our back yard. Made sure to take pictures this time! (I'll have to get the rest of the pictures posted on the 500 Web site soon.)
August 10, 2005
Pete and Orlin took Casey to Bark in the Park. The Colorado Springs Sky Sox have a few games each season where fans are encouraged to bring their dogs to the baseball game! Casey was a little nervous during the first half of the game, evidenced by his refusal to eat pieces of hot dog Pete offered him, but he started enjoying it by the second half. Nicky would have gone, but she chose to go to Bunco instead (where she had a great night and won a prize for scoring the most baby Buncos!).
August 9, 2005
Pete, Tracey and I went to Water World today, and it rocked!!!
August 6, 2005
Had some friends over for a backyard barbeque, and finally got to make use of the old croquet set Pete's grandparents gave us. Pete came in first, Mo took second place, and Tracey made a surprise attack and came in in third, usurping Gabi, who had been a shoo-in to win third on her next stroke. (Darn, we forgot to take pictures!)
  August 2, 2005
Books I Finished This Week:
1) Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince
by J. K. Rowling. This book, like the other Harry Potter books, was captivating, with perfect touches of poignancy and humor in just the right spots. I'm afraid that if I make any more comments on this book, I'll give away the ending, however, I can still sing my praises of the author. She remains a master craftsman of the English language, and extremely talented and imaginative at weaving the plot and keeping the reader glued to the book. Highly recommended.
2) The Traveler's Gift by Andy Andrews. A story of a man who almost dies in a car crash and has an out-of-body experience during which he travels through time to learn "life lessons" from seven influential historic figures, such as Anne Frank and Abraham Lincoln. Not the page-turner Harry Potter was, but definitely made me think. Recommended.
July 29, 2005
We have a fax machine now! (Our fax number is the same as our house number.)
July 29, 2005
I rode 11.4 miles on my bike today. Although this is nothing for Pete, it's huge for me! (I usually only ride 5 miles.) From our house, we rode north on University, east on the C-470 trail, south on Yosemite, and west on Lincoln back to the house. It took one hour and three minutes. Although I was passed by several very-in-shape cyclists, and Pete had to stop and wait for me several times, I'm still impressed with myself as this is the longest distance I have ever ridden at a time.
p.s. After the ride (and during), I did not look as fresh and perky as this picture would suggest...!
July 27, 2005
One of these days, after I am fabulously wealthy and don't have to worry about profit and loss, I want to restore an old Victorian house and open "Nicky's House of Chocolate". (Similar to the Cheshire Cat Brew Pub in Arvada.) Picture potted palms, oriental rugs, velvet draperies... Patrons can relax in the sitting room while enjoying chocolate candies, cakes, and cookies, along with flavored cappuccinos, espressos, tea, etc. Additionally, I'll serve bagels, muffins, salads and light soup-and-sandwich lunches. There will be live music in the evenings. Embroidery, crochet, cake-decorating and self-improvement classes people can sign-up for. A high tea event for Mother's Day and possibly other special occasions. An excellent staff I can trust to run the place while I occasionally vacation in Europe and other exotic places (since I am fabulously wealthy in this fantasy). Doesn't it sound cool?

July 25, 2005

Casey went to the groomer's today and he looks fabulous! The three of us will start obedience school on August 23rd.
July 24, 2005

My cousin Alissa has just moved her wedding from Sept. 2006 to Sept. 2005! This is because her fiance, Josh, is in the military and being sent to Iraq sooner than originally thought. We will be traveling to Minnesota for the occasion. (This photo of them was taken at our wedding last summer.)

