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March 31, 2006
Books Nicky Read 2006 Q1
(Note: These were all audio books, courtesy of Douglas County Public Libraries.)
The Face on the Milk Carton Caroline B. Cooney fiction excellent
Whatever Happened to Janie? Caroline B. Cooney fiction excellent
The Voice on the Radio Caroline B. Cooney fiction fair
What Janie Found Caroline B. Cooney fiction fair
A Virtuous Woman Kaye Gibbons fiction good
Don't Sweat the Small Stuff About Money Richard Carlson non-fiction not worth it
The Chocolate War Robert Cormier fiction not worth it
Just Ella Margaret Peterson Haddix fiction good to excellent
March 30, 2006
Orlin, Pete and Nicky went skiing at Loveland. It was an excllent day -- the most powder I've ever skied in in my life! There was so much powder, I used some leg muscles that I haven't used in years. (Maybe I'm just getting old.) Nevertheless, it was such a good day, I think I may ski 3 times next year (instead of just 2).
March 19, 2006
Casey's One Year Adoption Anniversary

It's been one year since we got Casey! He has become such a healthy, energetic and affectionate dog. We celebrated by having Grandma Bea, Grandpa Orlin and Honey over for dinner and a movie.
March 12, 2006
I achieved one of my mini-goals -- I had the highest-scoring round of the day at our 500 card-playing group. (Thanks, Dad and Cat,who were with me at the 3-player table; I think you helped me out!)
February 26, 2006
Grandma Edna's visit coincided with Tim and Rina's visit, so we all got together for an evening in Arvada.
February 21-March 3, 2006
Tim and Rina Visit Colorado

While they were here, we went to a Colorado Avalanche game, the Butterfly Pavilion in Westminster (see Pete and Nicky posing by the preying mantis), looked at model homes, and Pete and Tim went skiing together several times. Casey took quite a liking to Tim!
January 25, 2006
I (Nicky) started an internship today at InterWorld Translations. I will be working on web development, project management, and developing applications to enhance their extranet. After finishing this internship, I will finally graduate with my Master's Degree in Information Systems this May.
January 24, 2006
Mom and I went to the LDS Family History Center to check out their genealogy records. I was thoroughly disappointed to come away empty-handed. Not a single ancestor or relative on either of my parents' sides was in any of their databases (granted, one database was down). We then went to the Standley Lake library and found some useful stuff about the Braun and Streich families. My online family tree is still available, by the way. If anyone ever wants the URL, let me know. After marrying Pete, I had transferred this web site to his servers, which do not run ColdFusion (the program I wrote my family tree search features with), so some functionality is lost, but the content is still all there. Maybe I'll remedy the search engine someday.

Update: Shortly after writing this blog entry, I implemented a Perl-based search engine called ICE; it's working great! With over 300 individuals profiled on my family tree, it's nice to have a working search engine again. I have decided not to put the link to my family tree on my blog, because I don't want search engines like Google indexing this somewhat personal information, but I'm happy to give the URL to family and friends. Just let me know if you'd like it!

My great-grandmother, Anna Braun
January 23, 2006
Dad, Pete and I went skiing at Sol Vista Ski Resort. It is one of the "gems" -- a smaller, lesser-known resort that only the locals know about. It was a great little place, we had a good day skiing, and when the day was over, I loved being able to ski all the way back to the car (instead of carrying skis and poles while wearing the big, clunky boots).
January 21, 2006
Pete and I attended a Burns Night Supper at Keith's house in Ft. Collins. Haggis was served, Robert Burns's poems were read aloud, and many single-malt Scotches were tasted. I think I have a new favorite single-malt Scotch: Speyburn. Pictured here are Keith and Ann, our super-cool host and hostess. More pictures here.
January 14, 2006
Bea's "39th" Birthday

We had Mom (and Dad and Honey) over for brunch and some pinochle.

I love this picture of Mom and Dad holding "the babies".

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