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March 31, 2007
Books Finished in 2007 Q1
Title Author Type Media Rating Why Chosen
Killer Pancake Diane Mott Davidson fiction audio good-to-excellent I stumbled across it at the library
The Passion Test: The Effortless Path to Discovering Your Destiny Janet Bray Attwood and Chris Attwood non-fiction e-book good Was given a free copy through a teleseminar
The Power of YOU! How YOU Can Create Happiness, Balance, and Wealth Scott Martineau non-fiction hardback fair Was enticed to buy it from an e-mail
The Day After Tomorrow Allan Folsom fiction audio good-to-excellent Terri loaned it to me
Think & Grow Rich Napoleon Hill non-fiction paperback good-to-excellent I hear over and over again how everyone needs to read this book and how influential it is
The Free Market and Its Enemies: Pseudo-Science, Socialism, and Inflation Ludwig von Mises non-fiction paperback fair Read in preparation for an economics discussion group Pete invited me to
The Cereal Murders Diane Mott Davidson fiction audio good I enjoyed this author's other book; decided to read more in this series
Burning Up Caroline B. Cooney fiction audio excellent I like this author
My Sister's Keeper Jodi Picoult fiction paperback excellent My mom recommended it
March 23, 2007

I received a phone call from my dad around noon on a Friday saying that I should come to the hospital right away. It turned out that my mom had had a heart attack on the previous Wednesday, and she ultimately required open-heart surgery later that night to patch a rupture of the left ventricle. This rupture caused cardiac tamponade, in which blood leaked out of her heart chamber into the pericardial sac, crushing the heart. She was in the hospital for eight days, then had to take an additional eight weeks off work before her doctors gave her the okay to return. She has also been going to cardiac rehab sessions, where she exercises on weight and cardio machines while being monitored by medical personnel. I'm so grateful her doctors and other medical personnel were able to save her. Thirty or so years ago, this probably would have meant death. I always loved and appreciated my parents, but now I really try to cherish my time with them. My mom doesn't like her hair in this picture, but I think it looks pretty good for someone who's just had major surgery! The pillow was given to her to press against her chest when she coughed or laughed, so she wouldn't jar her breastbone and chest incision.
January 12, 2007
Due to yet another snowstorm, we had to postpone Pete's 30th birthday party from December 29th to tonight. Several hearty souls braved the cold January weather to come celebrate with Pete, some from as far away as Ft. Collins. Click here to see more people, food, and merriment!

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