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December 31, 2007
Books Read in 2007 Q4

Memoirs of a Geisha Arthur Golden fiction audio good
Other People's Children Joanna Trollope fiction audio excellent
Resort to Murder Carolyn Hart fiction paperback good
Nineteen Minutes Jodi Picoult fiction hardback excellent
A Wrinkle in Time Madeleine L'Engle fiction audio not worth it
The Science of Getting Rich Wallace D. Wattles non-fiction audio fair
Freedom's Landing Anne McCaffrey fiction audio fair
Whiskey Sour J. A. Konrath fiction audio good
NNNNN Carl Reiner fiction audio good
Getting Things Done: The Art of Stress-Free Productivity David Allen non-fiction paperback fair-to-good


Q4 went by in a rush! Thanks to my friend Terri recommending me, I started working at her company as an office temp in October. The job has been really fun! The people were great, my commute was only ten minutes each way, and it was nice to earn some extra money. The job was only supposed to be a four-to-six-week gig, but five months later, I am still there. (I am writing this in March 7, 2008.) Since working there, however, I haven't had much time to devote to keeping-up my blog. So, several months late, here is a quick recap of the highlights of my Q4, with only the briefest comments.
On October 13th, Pete and I threw a farewell party for Tracey, who moved to Houston with her boyfriend Luis. Friends I haven't seen in years came out of the woodwork for the event, and present and former co-workers of Tracey's attended as well. Pictures can be viewed here.
October also brought apples. The golden delicious apple tree in our back yard gave us tons of apples again. We were able to give away a lot, and dice and freeze a lot for future use in pies, crisps, applesauce, porkchops, muffins, etc.
Pete's mom and stepdad, Gail and Mark, visited us for a few days at the end of their trip to Yellowstone. It was nice to see them, as always.
Q4 was also an exciting time for fans of the Colorado Rockies! The Rockies had an incredible streak, winning 20 out of 21 games, and ending up the National League Champions, which sent them to the World Series for the first time ever. I'm not normally a sports fan, yet even I was excited, watching games on TV even when Pete wasn't home, and discussing baseball with people at work. Pete was fortunate to attend some of the play-off and championship games live. You can view his pics of the NLCS games and post-season rally in Denver.
Rockies fans weren't the only ones celebrating in Q4. First, congratulations to Chrisie and Herb (left), who got married on October 20th. It was a beautiful wedding at a church in the mountains, with the reception at the Mount Vernon Country Club. Second, congratulations to Stefanie and Nick (right), who got married on December 1st in Minnesota. We took pictures at both events, and you are welcome to view them, but I must say our camera didn't really do a good job capturing how lovely everything was.
Congratulations also to Ryan, who won Employee of the Year at KJCT. KJCT is the ABC affiliate television station in Grand Junction, where Ryan serves as both director and producer of the live morning news show, and also films local sports events. He didn't think it was a big deal, but the family thought it was a tremendous honor! Way to go!
And, finally, the year ended with our family getting together for Christmas. Ryan was able to join us, and we had a relaxed and low-key time.

Happy New Year to All!

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