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March 31, 2008
Books Read in 2008 Q1

Sole Survivor Dean Koontz fiction audio good
The King of Torts John Grisham fiction audio good
A Time to Kill John Grisham fiction audio good to excellent
Ask and It Is Given Esther and Jerry Hicks non-fiction paperback good
The Gods were conspiring against me keeping my blog updated again this quarter. Not only did my temp job continue to keep me busy through the end of March (my last day was March 26th), but our camera died also. I will try to add pictures from other peoples' cameras when possible until we get a decent new camera. Since this page, like last quarter, was another quick re-cap that I put together in one day after the quarter was over, things are in chronological order. Next quarter should go back to the normal reverse-chronological format, with the most recent entries on top.
We were happy to host Tim for about a week in early January. Pete and Tim did some snow-shoeing and skiing together, and I joined them skiing one of the days. Another activity I enjoyed with the two guys was single-malt scotch tasting at Pint's Pub in Denver, which has the largest collection of single malts outside of Scotland. As always, Casey loves when Tim visits, because Tim shows him lots of kindness. One night, Casey even jumped onto Tim's bed and tried to go "night-night" with him!
In February, Tim invited us to ski on his turf. I got my first taste of east coast skiing, at Liberty Mountain Resort in Pennsylvania. I had been warned the slopes were much icier than Colorado slopes, but they weren't so bad on the day I was there. I felt cocky because I was able to ski several black runs. (Admittedly, they would've been classified as blues in Colorado.) But, I have to say I now see why people come to Colorado to ski in the champagne powder. The snow-making machines required at east coast ski resorts are really noisy, and the snow out east is wetter, which is harder to ski in. But I was glad I did it, if for no other reason than so I can say I've done it.
We saw all of Pete's other college buddies, too, when we attended Mike and Cathy's wedding in Baltimore on February 17th. Nick, Eva and their daughter Charlotte very graciously let us use their guest room (and, taught us how to play with their Wii!). Nick and Pete were two of the groomsmen in the wedding. Actually, the entire batch of groom and groomsmen at this wedding was exactly the same batch of guys who were in our wedding party. The wedding was really, really nice. I loved the elegant event center, Martin's West, with its two-story crystal chandeliers, winding staircases, marble floors... It was a gorgeous wedding. Cathy, the bride, looked radiant, and absolutely beautiful! And Mike, the groom, looked dapper, as well. The reception was also at Martin's West, and I would give their food the same outstanding marks that I would give their ambiant setting. I stole this picture from their professional photographer's web site (The Pros Photography, awesome photos, BTW), because, as you know, our camera died after we got back from the wedding and I don't know that we'll ever be able to retrieve the photos we took. If you want to see more pics, please click one of the following links: Professional photos or Candids.
Tim and Rina's baby, Eliana, was born on February 26th. Congratulations!!!! I hope they don't mind that I stole this picture from their web site... :-) One of the most fun things about Q1 was looking at all their new baby pictures. She's so cute!
I've been taking yoga classes twice a week at the rec center. I enjoy it a lot. I can tell I'm becoming more flexible, and it feels luxurious to take an hour to forget about everything else going on in your life and think only about your breathing, relaxing, and stretching-out.
I came across these (free) little self-esteem games you can play online at The game I like best is called "Grow Your Chi", and it trains you to look for positive people and pairs your name with positive facial expressions. It will make you smile!


In late February and early March, we painted our family room, powder room, and the hallway connecting the two. We painted most of the walls a light beige shade called "Oatmeal," but the wall with the fireplace is a rich, dark reddish-brown called "Rosewood." In January, I had bought new striped valances for the corner windows, to replace the old ones with the southwestern print I was never fond of. We also re-arranged the furniture in this room, making it look quite different. I'm really pleased with how everything looks now!



Happy Adoption Day Anniversary, Casey! March 19th marks Casey's third anniversary with us. We love this little dog! We celebrated with a fish dinner (Casey's favorite) and an hour-long walk (his favorite activity).

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